ENVIRONMENT CLUB: Greenhill Environment Club recently picked 3 areas to focus on over this academic year, forming action groups to address each one. Their chosen areas for this year are raising awareness of environmental concerns, tackling litter in and around school and improving our wildlife habitats. Students from all years are welcome to join the club. The club holds a weekly meeting on Friday lunchtimes in Mrs King’s Art room (511).
Period Poverty Awareness: All female pupils at YGS were invited to a presentation by 6th Form pupils in the Main Hall on the last day of term to hear about the Period Dignity in Schools initiative.
They listened as period poverty - a problem that not only affects women and girls in poorer countries but can also affect pupils in the UK - was explained by the 6th Form. The girls were then each given a Grab Bag to take home containing essential sanitary products including a range of eco-friendly samples to encourage pupils to make the switch to plastic free/washable products.
After half-term, a group of sixth form pupils from years 12 and 13, with the support of Pupil Development Mentor, Kay Davis, completed a series of assemblies linked to their ‘Period Dignity’ project. The group presented to every year group and ensured that each pupil at Ysgol Greenhill had the opportunity to collect the ‘grab bags’ provided. The school is very proud of their determined efforts as young leaders of the school. Well done to all involved in the project.
NEW DIGITAL LEADERS: Introducing the new members of Ysgol Greenhill’s Digital Learning Council. Last month, these Year 7 students went through a very demanding recruitment process (led by the existing Council) and they all did amazingly. We can’t wait to see how these learners help develop the school’s Digital Skills.
COUNTY HALL VISIT: Students from the Ysgol Greenhill SAT group were invited to County Hall recently to take part in a Diversity and Inclusion meeting with the Children Commissioner for Wales, the policy advisor for equity in education in Welsh Government, the Chair of PCC and the Cabinet Member for Education and the Welsh language.
Students from every secondary school in the county took part in a debate in the council chambers to discuss and advise how local and government policy can be shaped and developed by those directly affected.
The members of the SAT group, and the school as a whole, look forward to developing these policies and ideas in the coming months.