All at Dyffryn Taf ScvhSchool wishes to congratulate students on the success achieved at A-Level and associated vocational courses during the current academic year.
“These students have shown both dedication and perseverance in their studies throughout their time at Dyffryn Taf and deserve the accolade associated with such success,” said head teacher Mr. Robert Newsome OBE.
“The performance reflects the efforts and effective partnership that exists between individual students, their parents and the teachers at Dyffryn Taf.
“The School endeavours to produce well-rounded individuals who have a diversity of skills to meet the various demands of higher education and employment.
“It is hoped that the School’s community programme, the post-16 work experience, and cultural and competitive opportunities, will further enhance the potential of these students and complement the excellent results achieved.
“This has been enhanced with the Welsh Baccalaureate and a blend of vocational subjects.
“On behalf of the students and Governors of the School, I wish to thank all the staff for their dedication and for providing the quality and diversity of educational experiences for all at the School.
“We wish all the A-level students every success in the future,” he added.
96.4 per cent gained 2 A* – E grades (PASS); with 80.4 per cent gaining at least 2A* – C grades.
The School also notes with some pride the exceptional achievements of individual pupils. A selection is listed below: Ffion Jones (A*, A, A, A); Seren Jones (A*, A*, A, A); Charlotte Phillips (A*, A*, A, A); Zekia Salmon-Hall (A, A, A, C); Sofi Tew (A*, A, A, B); Dorothe Van Doorn (A*, A*, A, A, A); Harvey Yau (A*, A*, A*, C).