The organisers of a ‘drone display’ that was called off at the last minute this week in Tenby due to adverse weather conditions have provided an update on plans to rearrange the event.

The dramatic display featuring 100 drones was due to light up the night sky over Tenby harbour and North Beach on Tuesday night (August 1) in support of a public safety campaign.

The display will highlight the next phase of the ‘Respect the Range’ campaign by the Ministry of Defence to keep the public safe when accessing military training areas.

The ten-minute display was due to take-off from Tenby pier around 9.30 pm on Tuesday with the purpose of capturing content for an upcoming PR campaign, but was called off at the very last minute due to the worsening weather, which became increasingly wet and windy as the planned take-off approached.

A spokesperson for the MoD explained: "We are disappointed that the drone display was unable to take place.

“This was due to adverse weather conditions, which would have made proceeding with the display unsafe. We would like to thank those that turned out despite the poor weather, and we hope to announce a rescheduled event soon.”

Despite rumours that the event would now take place this Friday night (August 4) at 9.30 pm once again, the organisers have confirmed today that that is not the case.

“The latest is that the MoD is still hoping to reschedule the drone display. There is no date set as of yet but they are exploring various options across the next few weeks,” the organisers told the Observer.