“Oyez, Oyez” - do you have plenty to shout about - as Tenby Town Council are on the look out for a new Town Crier, after the previous one, withdrew an offer to return.

The position was advertised back in the summer, after the town clerk Andrew Davies had told members that it was normal to appoint the town crier at the AGM, but he said at the time Jim Cornwall who had been in the role since 2017, had a ‘few personal issues going on’ and was not sure if he could continue in the role, and so had asked that he not be reappointed at that time, even though he was present at the AGM which took place on the night of the Mayor Making ceremony in June.

It was resolved at the time to advertise for someone to take up the position of town crier, but seemingly, the only person to apply for the role, was Mr Cornwell once again.

However, in correspondence that came before members of the Town Council at their meeting this month, Mr Cornwell withdrew his offer to return, taking a parting shot in the process.

“In spring of 2017, I volunteered to take over the role of Town Crier, as the current one had left for Cardiff,” he wrote.

“I was honoured to be given this appointment and served the Town Council with an unblemished record and in a dignified manner. So in total served under four different Mayors and at four Mayor Making ceremonies.

“In May of this year I encountered personal difficulties, which included losing my seat on the town council and the death of my brother. I lost confidence and withdrew from offering my services as Town Crier,” continued Mr Cornwell.

“I returned the costume and artefacts relating to the position of town crier and said that Tenby town council should look for a replacement.

“However, I regained confidence and decided that if a replacement couldn’t be found I would be happy to continue in that role.”

Since then, however, Mr Cornwell said that he had read the minutes of the Town Council’s meeting from November, where his offer to return had been discussed amongst members around the table.

“It seems clear to me that certain councillors are hostile to my offer to return and determined to ensure that I do not hold that position again,” he stated.

“I quote ‘we can hold out and we should be looking for the right person to represent us’. Clearly, I am not the ‘right person’ according to these councillors.

“So to avoid any future discussion or be subject to personnel committee meetings, I have decided to withdraw my offer.

“I shall inform the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers that Tenby does not have a town crier.

“Finally, I would like to thank those town councillors and local people who have been supportive during a difficult year for me and hope that a replacement can be found,” added Mr Cornwell.

Cllr Tish Rossiter offered thanks to Mr Cornwell for his letter and for his years of service, with fellow councillors electing to note the correspondence.

The Town Council are now on the lookout for a new Town Crier, so if you have ‘plenty to shout about’ - you could be just the person they are looking for to take on the role for the historic seaside town.

“While we’ve not formally decided to actively seek a new town crier, it is a post we would be interested in filling,” explained Mr Davies, the town clerk.

The Town Crier is appointed by the Town Council not only to make official proclamations but also to emcee Civic functions, announce events like fairs taking place and fulfil an important public relations role for the town.

“While there is a small honoraria to cover out of pocket expenses when acting as Town Crier, it’s an unpaid post,” continued Mr Davies.

“The Town Council are seeking a civic minded individual with good inflection, diction, and bearing with same drive and ambition to promote the town council and the town.

“Those interested can write in explaining why they would like to be Town Crier, and there will be an interview process, which may require a little audition,” he added.

Anyone interested is asked to contact the Town Council at their offices at the De Valence Pavilion, Upper Frog Street, Tenby, SA70 7JD or get in touch via the council’s website.