No. 1284 (Tenby) Squadron Air Training Corps recently celebrated its annual dinner and presentation evening.

This prestigious event was again held at the town's Giltar Hotel and was attended by over 100 people, including guests of honour, Air Commodore Tony Park CBE and Mrs. Park; Mayor of Tenby, Clr. Mrs. Sue Lane; as well as representatives from the Masonic Lodge, the Lions Club, the Rotary Club and Tenby Sea Cadets.

Grace was given by one of the squadron's civilian instructors (CI), Mr. Mathew Beynon, with the Loyal Toast to follow, proposed by CI. Mr. Alan England.

The squadron's Officer Commanding, Flying Officer Penny Griffiths, then gave a short speech in which she recalled the outstanding contribution made by the retiring Officer Commanding, Dave Griffiths, and suggested he continue this hard work as a civilian instructor!

She then went on to outline some of the numerous activities the cadets had undertaken during the previous year, from fund-raising on behalf of the squadron to assisting local charities with their charitable ventures. She also mentioned the hard work the cadets had put in with their exams, but this had been offset by the many activities they had enjoyed, attending camps at several RAF stations around the UK and in Germany, also the field craft and shooting exercises held more locally.

The civilian committee chairman, Mr. Don Ramsay, also paid tribute to Flt. Lt. David Griffiths, who had given considerable time and effort over some 15 years and indicated that it was the committee's intention to recognise this sterling service to the squadron with a suitable presentation to be held shortly.

Don went on to say that the civilian committee enjoyed an excellent relationship with the new commanding officer, Penny Griffiths, the officers, instructors and cadets, and were very proud of their achievements over the last year, which would be highlighted when the annual awards were announced and presented.

He then went on to say how the local community had benefited from the activities of the squadron, particularly the support they had given to the Tenby Lions and Rotary events in raising substantial sums for charity; the committee encouraged this involvement which had brought funds and good publicity to the squadron.

Don concluded by thanking his colleagues on the civilian committee for all the hard work they do in support of the squadron, making particular reference to Paula Smith, honorary secretary, and Susan Bonser, honorary treasurer, who were both diligent in their respective duties, finally thanking the management and staff of the Giltar Hotel for their courtesy and service.

President Don Griffiths MBE gave a short address, praising the staff and cadets.

Sgt. Rogers responded on behalf of the squadron, also thanking the staff and cadets for their hard work and support throughout the year.

Guest of honour, Air Commodore Tony Park CBE, who had served in the Royal Air Force for some 42 years, gave an inspirational speech based on his career, a career that had taken him from the glamorous role of a jet fighter pilot in his early years to very senior appointments at SHAPE and NATO before his retirement.

He then went on to present awards to the following:

The Bullet (range proficiency) - Cdt. Aimee Lewis; Brian Hodder Cup (best attendance) - Cdt. Jessica Clarke; Squadron Certificate of Merit (best improved cadet) - Cdt. Rachel Bonser; Neil Abbis Cup (for leadership) - Cdt. Jessica Clarke; Flt. Lt. Evans Cup (achievement in sport) - Cpl. Nathen Clarke; Fred Young Shield (best NCO) - Cpl. Nathen Clarke; Squadron Certificate of Merit (personal achievement) - Cdt. Michel Wright; Don Griffiths Cup (for cadet who has shown excellent promise in all aspects of squadron activities) - Cdt. Aimee Lewis; Gilter Hotel Trophy (best presented cadet) - Cdt. Michel Wright; RAFA Shield (presented by RAFA president Mr. Wilf Hardy MBE (for the most money collected during the Wings Appeal) - Cdt. Rachel Bonser.

Flowers were presented to Officer Commanding, Penny Griffiths; Mrs. Joyce Park and Clr. Mrs. Sue Lane, Mayor of Tenby.

The very able MC for the evening was CI. Mr. Alan England.