Harvest was celebrated on Sunday morning. Gifts of fruit and vegetables had been displayed on the rostrum of the church, this being eventually used for the harvest supper held on the following Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Carol Ansell introduced the service with the family news and a Bible reading from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians where he encourages his readers because of the generous way in which they supply the needs of God's people, which is also an expression of thanksgiving to God.
Several children from the church enjoyed taking a lively part in the service by singing action songs, having been trained by Mrs. Helen Hills. They also appreciated the songs 'Morning has broken' and 'Who put the colours in the rainbow', led by the music group.
Miss Pam Holmes, in her own characteristic style, gave the children's address, entitled 'Hands'; this was also much accepted by the adults present.
The needs of the people in Bangladesh were portrayed using a Baptist Missionary Harvest DVD which is this year's appeal on behalf of BMS.
The celebration was concluded with a meeting around the Lord's table and the singing of the traditional harvest hymn, 'We plough the fields and scatter'.
On Tuesday evening, members and friends met in the church hall for fellowship over a harvest meal prepared by Tessa Ovenden and Barbara Willcox.
Next week, the parent toddler group meets in the church hall on Thursday between 10 am and 12 noon. For further information, ring Tenby (01834) 843392.