Holocaust Memorial Day is being recognised in Pembrokeshire with the lighting up of County Hall in Haverfordwest today (Friday, January 27, 2023).

County Hall
(Pic supplied)

Holocaust Memorial Day marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and remembers the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust and everyone killed in the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

The theme of this year’s commemoration is ‘Ordinary People’ and focuses on the role they have in genocide, from turning a blind eye, believing propaganda, and joining murderous regimes.

Those persecuted are also ordinary people belonging to a particular group, as are those that make brave decisions to rescue, to hide or to stand up and challenge prejudice.

As part of the Light the Darkness theme to Holocaust Memorial Day County Hall will join other prominent buildings across the UK by being lit in purple.

Council Chairman Cllr Pat Davies said: “We are aware that this day may have even greater significance this year for those from Ukraine who have fled war, and those that want to mark The Babi Yar massacre, which devastated the Jewish community of Kiev on September 29th 1941.

“Lighting County Hall in the Holocaust Memorial Day colour of purple will serve as both a mark of respect and a symbol of hope for the future.”

Council Leader Cllr David Simpson, added: “Holocaust Memorial Day is a day to remember the horror that man has inflicted, and continues to inflict on fellow man, as well as an important chance to reflect on how light can come from the darkness.”

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