Tenby Town Council are to develop a list of aims and objectives to take forward in relation to enhancing the town’s historic Five Arches.
One of the aims the town council has set itself for the year is to look at ways to make the Five Arches as a main gateway into the walled town, with councillors hosting an online engagement meeting via Zoom last week, welcoming the views of the local community to get a consensus on the way forward.
Speaking following the meeting, the town clerk Andrew Davies commented: “The public engagement on the Five Arches was very useful and productive and the council are very grateful to those members of the public who participated.
“We are now developing an over-arching 'mission’ statement’ and a list of aims and objectives.
“We will adopt a phased approach and will continue to hold meetings with the various agencies - Cadw, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, Pembrokeshire County Council - and public engagement exercises going forward.
“We are going to ask PCC to undertake a weed clearance of the Five Arches as the first stage of the first phase. Tenby in Bloom have generously offered to sponsor this.”
Town councillors and representatives from the local authorities have held discussions previously to look at the possibilities of enhancing the South Parade, along with a possible project that would see the historic town walls illuminated.