Updates were given at Kilgetty/Begelly Community Council’s recent meeting on the ward’s play parks.

For Begelly, Cllr Lockley reported that a plan had been drawn of the proposed pathway from the gateway to the play equipment.

Cllr Wyatt reported signage for the park had been translated, designs will be passed onto the signage company.

The Clerk said that he had spoken to the Play equipment supplier regarding the fault on the swing set and also chased the line marking for the tarmac area, awaiting further response.

Cllr Wyatt also presented a plan of the proposed path. The Clerk reported that funding had been secured for the project, one quote has been received for the works, further quotes awaited.

Cllr Adams proposed the project be completed; Cllr Thomas seconded the proposal, and all Councillors were in full agreement.

At Kilgetty, Cllr Long reported the Task and Finish group had completed a tender for the supply and installation of a new fence to go around the park area.

Cllr Lockley presented the tender process the group had carried out. Three reputable local companies had been asked to tender for works.

The Kilgetty Park Task and Finish group recommended the preferred supplier be contracted for the works. Cllr Whitby proposed the recommendation from the group of the preferred supplier be accepted, Cllr Thomas seconded the proposal, with the majority of Councillors in agreement.

The Clerk to contact all companies and inform them of the decision. Cllr Long thanked Cllr Lockley for the work on the tender process.

Cllr Long reported that brochures on possible equipment for the park had also been received.