Local councillors are looking to engage with the recently reformed Tenby Chamber of Trade along with other organisations, to work together on producing a ‘shared plan’ for the seaside town.

Correspondence that came before last month’s meeting of Tenby Town Council from the Chamber of Trade, asked what was being done to address the ‘cash crisis’ for the town, in light of the last bank closing in August, with a renewed call for increased cashpoints within the Walled Town.

Mayor, Cllr Dai Morgan told fellow councillors that it was nice to receive ‘communication’; whilst Cllr Sam Skyrme-Blackhall said that she had been liaising with them on a County Councillor level since they started again.

“For the first time in many years, we now have the chance to engage as a Town Council going forward,” she told her colleagues.

“We have many associations, voluntary and organised groups and people doing fantastic work around the community.

“There is a lot of agreement about what is needed for the future of Tenby. However, it has not always been that way.

“I think we should build on this common agreement and agree a plan of things we all want to do for the town.

“This is something that can be open to everyone to contribute to. So, working with others, I am proposing to get people to work together on producing a shared plan.

“But this will not be warm words. This needs to be a plan of action and I am asking Tenby Town Council to pledge to join this with me.

“We may not always agree on everything but we can all agree on a general direction to make Tenby better,” she continued.

Cllr. Laurence Blackhall said that he felt that the Town Council was already moving in the direction of more community engagement, working with young people, holding forums, and trying to involve everyone.

“There are lots of people doing their own, but similar things,” he said, “let’s do them together.”

The Town Council recently announced that it was pushing forward with plans to develop the De Valence’s vacant cafe into a ‘Community Hub’.

Plans for what will feature at the hub are somewhat sketchy, but the Town Clerk told the Observer that the facility will introduce some ‘essential services’ for the community.

Cllr Blackhall added that he was hopefully that the Town Council would be in a position to go public with their plans soon.