Councillors in Tenby have agreed to increase the hire fees of a local community centre.
A meeting took place recently to discuss the Augustus Place Community Centre, after a suggestion made by Clr. Paul Rapi that the Tenby De Valence Pavilion Trust take over the operation of the facility.
Discussion took place as to the reasoning behind this suggestion with Clr. Mrs. Rossiter suggesting that the rates may be reduced, although her colleague the Deputy Mayor, Clr. Mrs. Brown disagreed and felt a revision of hire fees would assist in reducing the de?cit to the Council.
Clr. Mrs Brown said that she and Dave Jones of the DVP Trust were not prepared to take the property on as they were too busy with the increased use of that venue.
She realised that town councils are not eligible for rate relief and charity status would remove the rate costs but the town clerk had actually renegotiated rates a little while ago.
If reducing the rates was the only reason to change, having the DVP Trust taking over, or setting up a new Trust would entail a lot of work unless someone or an association came forward who was prepared to take it on.
The Mayor, Clr. Mrs. Sue Lane proposed leaving the Augustus Place Community Centre in the hands of Tenby Town Council and Clr. Mrs. Rossiter seconded the proposal.
Clr. Mrs Brown felt that currently the hire price was too cheap and the Clerk explained that the rate hadn’t changed for a very long time, certainly not during his time as clerk.
After much discussion it was suggested that he hourly rate be increased to £7.50 per hour and if the hour goes over then a charge be made for the next full hour. It was agreed that the booking form together with charges be updated.
Clr. Mrs. Brown felt that an eye needed to be kept 0n group timings and usage as overheads needed to be met or they may end up losing the property altogether. Birthday parties are to be priced at £10 per hour and a deposit for cleaning possibly introduced.
Tyssul Court residents were to be allowed one free hire per month for their coffee morning in line with Augustus Place residents .
Separate forms for private or charity hire needed to be considered.
Following a general inspection of the hall, it was also agreed that some work needed to be undertaken including - external and internal painting; and replacement glazing.
Discussing the matter at Tuesday night’s meeting of the town council, Clr. Mrs. Rossiter told her colleagues that the discussions on Augusts Place had proved ‘very constructive’.
“We covered a lot of issues and although the centre is booked quite regularly, we feel that we had no choice to raise the hire rent a little,” with her fellow member Clr. Mrs. Lane agreeing that the hire was ‘very cheap’ at the moment and not extortionate.
On the repair work, Clr. Trevor Hallett welcomed this as he he felt they needed to ‘keep up appearances’ for the building.
The town clerk said that he would look into costings for the work to be carried out, and councillors agreed that the cost could be used from the council’s reserve fundings.