Bethesda Chapel, Narberth is looking forward to welcoming you this week, starting today…

Wednesday, February 26, 2pm – Women’s Fellowship with guest speaker (Schoolroom)

Thursday 27, 10am – Coffee Morning for the over 50’s (Schoolroom) all welcome

Friday 28, 6.30am – Youth Meeting (Upper Room)

Sunday, March 2, 10.25am – Men’s Prayer Meeting (Study Room); 10.30am Sunday School, up to age 14 (Upper Room); 10.45am Morning Service (Sanctuary), with tea, coffee, cake downstairs afterwards; 5pm –Evening Communion Service (Sanctuary) followed by refreshments.

Tuesday, March 4 (Schoolroom), 11am – Bible Studies; 1.30pm –Listening Post, all welcome; 6pm – Fellowship Meal; 7pm – Prayer Meeting.

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” 1 John 3.20