As Sunday, March 30 is the fifth Sunday in the month there is a united service for the Narberth Group of Churches at Templeton. Forthcoming events are as follows:
Wednesday 26, 10am – Morning Prayer in St Andrew’s Church, Narberth followed by refreshments.
Thursday, March 27, 1.30-3pm, Holy Cross Church, Robeston Wathen – Lent Course.
Friday 28, 7pm – Service of Compline in St Andrew’s.
Sunday, March 30, 10am – A united Service of Holy Eucharist in John's Church, Templeton.
Tuesday April 1, 1.30pm – St Andrew’s Church Craft Class. Contact Jacky on 07740 734542 to confirm the venue.
Friday April 4, 7pm in St Andrews, Narberth – Concert by La Volta. Tickets £8 can be bought at the door.
All will be very welcome to attend any the services and events.
Father Robert Moore can be contacted at The Rectory, Adams Drive, Narberth SA67 7AE; email [email protected]; Tel 01834 861192.