LADIES at St Issell’s WI enjoyed a delicious evening strawberry tea: scones with jam and cream and strawberries washed down with Prosecco or orange juice.  

President Diane Rigden welcomed ladies to the July meeting. Bev Bennett was thanked for the flowers for the top table. Condolences were expressed to Pat Poole and family on the recent loss of her brother.  Birthday wishes for July went to Julia King-Thomas, Jacqui Cowgill and Anne Leech, and for August to Mary Sefton, Joan Parry and Diane herself.  

Pam Roberts read a letter received from someone seeking information about her grandmother’s membership of Saundersfoot WI.  Enquiries amongst St Issell’s members revealed some ladies remembering Lewis the tailor in the Strand and his wife June. 

Pam read a brief report from Jenny Longland regarding the Annual Meeting in the Royal Albert Hall, Jenny being the delegate in the unavoidable absence of Mary Howells.  Pam also gave information about Buddy member Catherine Davies.  

Diane read the newsletter, various events being noted, especially the trip to Cardiff on November 26. There was some discussion regarding WI Day in September, and it was suggested that perhaps St Issell’s WI could add to the artwork in the village by painting a bollard in the WI colours, and this was felt a good idea.  The closure of toilets was noted, and Pam agreed to write a letter to Pembrokeshire County Council.  Joy Nixon and Sheila Griffin were congratulated on being joint winners of the walking treasure hunt in Saundersfoot, but it was understood they did not provide the limerick.

In response to a letter from Saundersfoot in Bloom regarding the flower Festival at St Issell’s Church in August, there were several suggestions, Pam and Val John agreed to see what they can do.  Diane would confirm that we would be taking part, and would await information regarding refreshments.  Julia advised that she has booked the Lovespoon Experience for the meeting on 10 October; more information at the September meeting.

After everyone had enjoyed the strawberry tea, Val got brains engaged on a royal family quiz, three teams tying with 19 points.  This month’s competition winner was Nancy Stafford and the first lucky winner of the bumper raffle was Jean Roberts.  After much chatter and laughter, Diane wished ladies a happy August break looking forward to seeing everyone again in September.