WHEN the subject of Royal Navy ships being constructed in Milford Haven is mentioned, most people naturally assume that the Royal Dockyard in Pembroke Dock is being referred to.

However, there was another dockyard in the Haven, building ships for the Royal Navy two decades before Pembroke Dock was even thought of. This was in Hubberston Pill, where several fine ‘woodenwalls’ were built in the 1790s just as the nearby town of Milford Haven was beginning to take shape.

For its next meeting, the Pembrokeshire Historical Society will welcome award-winning naval historian J David Davies, author of ‘Britannia’s Dragon – a Naval History of Wales’, who will tell the story of the Milford naval dockyard from its inception through to the financial disagreement between the Navy Board and local landowner Robert Greville which led to the yard being moved upriver to Paterchurch. The talk will be fully illustrated with numerous archive images.

All are welcome to the lecture which will be on Friday, March 7, at the Pembrokeshire Archives in Prendergast, Haverfordwest, 2.30pm.