On a beautiful spring afternoon with snowdrops and daffodils lining the roads, Carew WI members met for their March meeting. Guest speaker was Daphne Bush from Pembroke Ladies RNLI Fundraising Guild.

The Guild has existed since 1949 (one of the oldest) and celebrated its 75th year last year. She outlined the history of the RNLI from its setting up by Sir William Hillary on March 4, 1824 to its 201st birthday this year.

Daphne gave details of the local stations and the craft deployed together with the costs of running this life saving charity on a daily basis. She also touched on the work carried out by the lifeguards who patrol out local beaches during the holiday months. Their extensive training, fitness levels, swimming and diving skills are honed to perfection in regular fitness checks to ensure that they can respond to any emergency.

The generous members of Carew WI raised £105 that afternoon for the RNLI. Daphne shared tea with the members after a vote of thanks given by Ruth.

Suitably refreshed, members sang Jerusalem to begin the formal meeting. PFWI Newsletter items were dealt with. Minutes ratified and correspondence shared Bron K gave details of the June trip and arrangements were formalised. President Edith closed the meeting reminding members to renew their WI membership at April’s meeting.

At the previous meeting, in February, it seemed appropriate - as hopes of spring were in the cold air - to concentrate on nature.

Guest speaker Bob Haycock’s knowledge on the subject of British Birds is so vast that he is returning to Carew WI next year to round off his talk with Garden Birds.

Members thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the sea birds especially and thanked him profusely.