A striking and contemporary newly commissioned War Memorial for the Village of St Ishmaels in Pembrokeshire has now been installed, and the landscaping is continuing in readiness for the Inauguration Ceremony.

The Assistant Bishop of St Davids, Rt Rev’d Dr John Saxbee, will preside at the Dedication as well as members of other faiths and religions at the ceremony on Sunday, September 15 at 3pm at the Playing Field of the village (SA62 3TB). Representatives of the Royal British Legion, Armed Forces, Emergency Services will also attend, plus a host of County Office holders and officials. Milford Haven Town Band will provide the music. 

This Memorial is a unique design by award-winning artist Howard Bowcott.  Commissioned  by the St Ishmaels Community Council, and overseen by their War Memorial Action Group, the installation completes a project of five years to honour the original intention of the community.  

Clerk to the Community Council Rev’d Mike Cottam has worked on the scheme for many years and international art dealer Annabel Thomas has volunteered artistic guidance. 

The War Memorial stands 3.8m (9ft 6in) high and is made of red sandstone, so prevalent in this part of the County. Children from nearby Coastlands Primary School modelled the individual shells which have been incorporated into the new design. The concept honours those affected by conflict in all places, and at all times, and celebrates the optimism that each new generation brings to our future.   

Following the ceremony, the artist will be on hand to talk about its creation. Tea and cakes will be served. 

It is rare to have a new War Memorial, rarer still to have a contemporary one that links the youth of today with the future for which the 12 young local people named on the Cenotaph gave their lives.