Carmarthenshire County Council is participating in ‘Welcome to Your Vote Week’ - an initiative led by the Electoral Commission, aimed at equipping young people with the knowledge, confidence, and understanding they need to fully engage in the democratic process.

Taking place from March 10 to March 16 - Welcome to Your Vote Week is designed to help young people better understand the role they can play in shaping the future of their communities, encouraging them to become active, informed citizens.

This year’s theme - ‘Get Informed and Get Involved’ emphasises the importance of accessing reliable and trustworthy information about politics, democracy, and elections, and taking the first steps to get involved locally.

As part of this campaign, Carmarthenshire Youth Council hosted the Demos Kratos Party on March 10 which celebrated democracy and empowered young people to engage with the electoral process through a series of fun, interactive activities.

Participants engaged in a lively debate, split into two teams to argue different perspectives on a chosen topic. They also explored key political concepts through interactive games from the Electoral Commission, including Bingo, True or False, and Who Controls What. To wrap up the event, the two teams faced off in a fun physical challenge, creatively using their bodies to spell out the word ‘democracy’.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, Cllr Glynog Davies, commented: “I’m thrilled to see such enthusiastic participation from the young people of Carmarthenshire during Welcome to Your Vote Week. The Demos Kratos Party was a fantastic opportunity for our youth to actively engage with the democratic process and understand the importance of their voices in shaping their future.”

More information on Welcome to Your Vote Week can be found here: