Over 12,000 people attended the 2024 100% Sir Gâr Christmas Pop-Up events across Carmarthenshire.
Events took place in Carmarthen, Llanelli and Ammanford – significantly boosting the businesses of several Carmarthenshire sellers who took up the County Council’s offer of a pop-up shop at one of its three main high streets.
Carmarthenshire County Council wishes to thank all Carmarthenshire businesses that attended this year’s 100% Sir Gâr Christmas Pop- Up events and the thousands of shoppers who visited our pop-up locations for all their Christmas present needs this year.
For three weeks during the run-up to Christmas, 44 small local businesses were given the opportunity to display and sell their goods amongst big high street chains in Carmarthen, Llanelli and Ammanford town centres.
Amongst this year’s traders was Yoka Kilkelly, of Siramik, who had a pop-up at Carmarthen high street. Yoka said: “The 2024 pop up shop was very well organised. Thank you 100% Sir Gar for organising the pop up shop to give local traders a platform to customers to let them know we exist. A wonderful occasion.”
Cllr Hazel Evans, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Leisure, Culture and Tourism said: “Thank you to everyone that supported our local businesses that were trading at the 100% Sir Gâr Christmas Pop- Ups. Thank you also to the Carmarthenshire businesses that traded from the Christmas Pop-Up stalls as you all played a significant role in attracting visitors to our three main town centres whilst also displaying the very best produce that Carmarthenshire has to offer.”
100% Sir Gâr has been developed as a shop window with support from the town and community councils, business and retail groups, to give local retailers and producers a platform to highlight their products.