2015 has been another busy year for the volunteers from the Begelly Kilgetty Community Association, and despite difficulties with health problems, the work to keep the village looking good has carried on regardless.

Due to the closure of the exchange library, it was decided to hold a book sale in March and this saw satisfied customers leaving the building with boxes and armfuls of books. Also in March, a litter pick throughout the villages was held, resulting in a big pile of black sacks for the council to remove, although somewhat disheartening to see drinks cans thrown down in a cleared area just later that day!

A new rustic arch was erected leading in to the small arboretum at the rear of the community garden, with hopes of being covered with colourful clematis blooms, but perhaps too many little doggy legs have found it irresistible, but we live in hope for next summer.

The weather was kind enough for a garden fayre to be held in the garden in June, although the Remembrance Service in November was held in a downpour.

Kilgetty in Bloom had its usual good response and the three judges enjoyed their day visiting all the gardens and lunching with the gardening volunteers, although, as usual, they found making decisions between the entries somewhat difficult. All entrants were invited to a strawberry tea at the presentation of trophies.

In the run-up to Christmas, the association members are holding a Christmas table-top sale on Saturday, December 5, and all local senior residents are invited to Music and Mince Pies on Thursday, December 10, at 2 pm, with entertainment by Sandalwood.