Representatives from PLANED and the National Parks Authority attended a recent meeting of Amroth Community Council. With regard to the National Park, it was explained that the planning for new development affected everyone. The Joint Unitary Development Plan for Pembrokeshire was the guideline that was used to assess planning applications. Councillors were advised that they should aim to take part in the consultation process for this document, in order to have a say in the planning guidelines. The latest plan was on its way and the consultation period was from February to April. When planning applications were received, they were assessed against the JUDP Document - public notices are then displayed for the statutory period and officers/members would then make a recommendation. The decision is then made. It was impressed upon the meeting that the role of the community council was important, as it knew the situation on the ground and the community councils report was always reported on. The community's view can be spelt out to members during a members meeting. If there was an objection by the community council, and officers feel it should go ahead, then the application has to go to committee. An unsuccessful applicant can appeal through a public enquiry. Reasons for refusal must stand up to scrutiny in a planning sense. It was important to attend hearings and put the community council view if it comes to this. Decisions must be made based on the planning criteria. Objections must also stand up at appeal. Over the coming year, committee dates will be sent out in advance to help the community council address planning applications and meet deadlines between community council meetings. The council may be able to have some support if there was a difficult plan to be interpreted. Committee reports now went on the NP website with openness and transparency. The chair thanked the National Park representative for attending and for her informative and helpful input Meanwhile, part of PLANED's roll, with assistance from the EU, was to help rural communities to develop an action plan for their area. The community council was able to view a selection of local action plans. The action plan would address a variety of local interest issues, such as history and heritage, traffic transport and highways, business and tourism, housing and services, community services activities events and communication, and enhancement recycling. The Blue Flag project for Amroth could also be included. Councillors felt that this would be a wonderful idea. It was suggested that the action plan could link in with use of the new hall in Summerhill. It was felt that the community would be very favourable to having something that would enhance their lifestyles. It was noted that 'A day of history' is coming up at Colby Lodge in June. The chair asked about the next steps. It was suggested that Amroth Parish came together with two workshops to share ideas/thinking. A meeting would March 10 at the Amroth Arms function room. There would be a buffet supper at 6.30 pm with the meeting from 7 until 9 pm. This would be followed by a public meeting to adopt the plan. There would be general newsletter training provided by PLANED for anyone interested at Llanteg Village Hall on April 14, 6 to 9 pm. A councillor volunteered that the School Room in Pleasant Valley could be used for a small meeting while the Summerhill Village Hall was out of action. The chair thanked the PLANED representative for attending the meeting and advising us on the next steps towards developing an action plan for the community. Other matters discussed at the meeting included: Blue Flag status, Amroth beach: Thank you notes had been sent to Angela Burns and the Environment Agency. The EA confirmed that the pollution over the summer was animal pollution. They had continued testing and everything had been clear since, despite all the heavy rain. They had committed to inform the council of anything untoward found, before it was made public. A councillor said how important it was for a main sewer to be built to assist in dealing with this issue. This needed to be addressed with the water authority. It was reported that there would be a new life- saving initiative funded by RNLI on all beaches. They would have a RNLI jetski for use in life- saving/safety situations. Rural affordable housing: The council decided that they should go ahead with this project and the rural housing enabler would be advised of the decision. Dog bins: There are new bins, but still no dog glove dispensers. These have been ordered through the council. Marker posts at the Cartwheel bend: A letter had been sent, but there was no reply as yet so a reminder was to be sent. Lighting: County Councillor Brinsden reported that he had put forward the community council's request for street lighting at Amroth east promenade. This request had been turned down, and as a result, he had put the question forward at the full council meeting on December 13. The answers received to these questions were that no new lighting installations had been undertaken over the last four years. The majority of the lighting budget was used to maintain existing lighting, that they were unable to provide the accident figures for areas with poor lighting and that solar lighting would not conform to the required lighting standard. It was also reported that the cost of solar lighting would be prohibitive. Enhancement of promenade in Amroth: The money was there and work would be completed by the end of financial year. County Councillor's report: The Pembrokeshire County Council budget for 2008 was reported on. In revised estimates, there was £687,000 earmarked for Amroth coastal defences and over £1 million in the next two years. National Park stated that the only two sites submitted for local housing development were in Summerhill. This option was not confirmed. Road maintenance in Summerhill: This work was still not done, but awaiting the completion of the hall. This would be monitored. Bars for names on chairman's chain: These were to be ordered. Summerhill bus shelter: This had still not been cleaned. It would be chased up. Slipway to Amroth Beach: This was to be investigated by one of the councillors. Rotten fence from Mole End to Amroth Castle Caravan Site: This had still not been done, but it was in the schedule of work. The situation would be monitored. Welsh Language Scheme: Council was still awaiting guidance from PALC, possibly due in March.
Erection of two dwellings - West Llanteg Farm (permission granted). Wind turbine - Two Barns, Ffynon Head, Tavernspite (permission granted). Concrete slurry tank at Kilanow Farm, Stepaside (permission granted). Bungalow/garage - Tanorthorne, Stepaside (permission granted). One dwelling - Red Gables, Llanteg (permission refused). Erection of dwelling - The Meadow, Llanteg (permission granted). Change of use of land and erection of garage for classic cars and motor cycles - Norton Lodge, Llanteg (no objection, letter to be sent). Alterations to front and rear - Cartwheel, Amroth (no comment made). New first floor facilities over toilet block for caravan park, Wiseman's Bridge (no comment made, objections were noted). Siting of caravan, greenhouse and splashpool - Ocean View, Trelessy Road, Llanteg (contrary comments from NP Officers to those of ACC, hence councillors invited to attend development meeting). Claim to register a path on the definitive map for it to become a public right of way - comments welcomed: Council fully supported the application stating that this is a long-standing public right of way. Development of asphalt plant - Blaencilgoed Quarry, Ludchurch (comments from councillors and members of the public in opposition to this development were noted and a letter was to be sent reiterating that there was very strong objection to this development. These country roads were not built for such heavy traffic and already there are too many HGVs using the roads leading from this quarry. There was also the potential danger to pedestrians). There would be an item on the on next agenda regarding the process for the election of two new councillors. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 20.
Community council elections will be taking place in May. Please consider supporting your local community by becoming a community councillor. Amroth Community Council, which includes the areas of Amroth, Llanteg, Stepaside, Crunwere and Pleasant Valley, will need to appoint new councillors. There is currently an under- representation of women on the council and they are looking to have representation which fully covers all areas. For further information about how to become a local community councillor, please 'phone the clerk to the council on (01834) 810360.