As it celebrates ‘Befriending Week’ (from November 1 to 7) Age Cymru is thanking all its Friends-in-Need volunteers for bringing so much friendship and joy to older people who previously felt lonely and isolated.

Friend-in-Need is the charity’s telephone friendship service whereby volunteers are paired with an older person with similar interests for a weekly friendship call about the things that matter to them such as their memories or hobbies, or perhaps what they watched on TV last night.

And since the start of 2024 more than 9,500 calls have been made by the charity’s volunteers to older people.

Age Cymru’s annual survey in 2024 found that nearly one in five older people said loneliness is a challenge, especially those with disabilities, long term health issues, or with caring responsibilities. So, the weekly friendship calls are a lifeline for many older people.

Brian receives a weekly friendship call and said: “It’s a connection with the outside world, it’s a lifeline and I look forward to the call. We talk about anything and everything.  Enlightening conversation and topics, the service is a very good. If I miss the call, I listen to the answer messages and wait for the call again. I'm here all the time unless I have a hospital appointment, so I don’t mind the change of day or time if needed.” 

Friend-in-Need co-ordinator Fiona Douglass said: “We owe our volunteers a huge amount of gratitude for the time they give, but we also hear that they gain lots of satisfaction from making the calls too.

“Not only does it give them an opportunity to make a valuable contribution, but they often get to learn something new in the process. So we urge anyone, regardless of age, to get in touch if you feel this is something you might want to consider.

“And if you can’t volunteer, why not donate so we can recruit and train more volunteers to the service. As little as £15 will support friendship calls to two older people every week.”

For more information or an informal chat about volunteering contact Fiona Douglass on 0330 303 4498, email [email protected], or visit