Accessibility at Narberth’s Queens Hall venue has undergone a much-needed renewal this summer with thanks to the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Fund.

Lara Herde, the venue manager said: “After 30 years of hard work, the lift was more than ready for a complete overhaul.

“We were thrilled to receive news of our successful bid to the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Fund which has allowed us to install an up-to-date, fully functional lift to support the access needs of our community, and to safeguard the sustainability of our building for existing and future users.”

The Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant was set up to offset the negative impacts of second home ownership in communities, with funding available for projects.

As well as the exciting live events programme, the Hall hosts a huge range of activities, classes, community groups and health and wellbeing sessions, plus services including hot desking, room hire and conferencing.

The variety of spaces across the 3 floors were used by over 250 groups in 2023 and with even more planned for 2024 and beyond, so the lift servicing upgrade has ensured the much-loved venue remains a useful, flexible community space available to all.

Following a complete electrical refurbishment, the 8-person lift boasts efficient and modern mechanics, plus a sleek new interior and state of the arts safety features.

The upgrade is a very welcome step in the wider development of the facilities at the Hall.

Narberth's Queens Hall venue
Narberth's Queens Hall venue (Pic supplied)

Ian Gravell, the Chairman of the Queens Hall Narberth trustees said: “I am very proud of the team for all their hard work on this project, which is part of a wider 5-year plan to further develop the facilities for our new and existing users.

“As we move forward into this exciting new period for the Hall, we are keen to hear more about the needs within our community and how the Hall can help to address them.”

For more information on the project, or to get in touch with the Queens Hall with any thoughts and ideas you have, head over to and drop the team an email via the ‘contact us’ page or call 01834 861212.