The evening of Saturday, February 8, was a time of much celebration for Tenby ATC when they held their annual dinner and presentation evening at the Park Hotel Tenby,
This prestigious event is organised by the squadron civilian committee and was the culmination of a very busy and eventful year for the squadron. Present were honoured guests, representatives from the Sea Cadets and Army Cadets, other local ATC squadrons, the parents of nearly all the cadets, and members of the local community who had helped through their generosity and hard work to build the squadron into the force it is today,
Guest of honour, Mr. L. G. Hill, was well known to most of the older guests present from when he was headmaster of Greenhill School, but few knew of his war-time exploits as a Spitfire pilot from 1939 until the end of the war, when he unassumingly returned to teaching, not mentioning the extraordinary roll he had played during those dark years.
During his speech, all present were captivated by some of the events he recaptured so vividly for them.
After the dinner, the raffle was drawn, winner of the main prize of a 'Graham Hadlow' painting being Mrs. West from Worcester. Other prizes went to Mr. K. Neale, of Redberth, Mrs. D. Thomas, Mr. C. Clewett and Mr. C. James, all from Tenby, Thanks go to all of them for their support.
This was followed by the cadet awards ceremony, the first award being the Royal Air Force Association Shield, presented by their chairman, Mr. W. Hardy, himself an old member of the squadron. This shield is presented to the cadet who collected the most money during the Wings Appeal Week and this went to Cpl. Philip Lewis.
Next, the guest of honour, Mr. Hill, presented the 'Bullet Trophy' to Sergeants Mathew Evans and Liam Du'Toit, and Corporals Danny Edwards and Philip Lewis, this shooting award being 'for competency on the range'.
Next up was Cadet Ben Cole, who received the Don Griffiths Cup for 'best cadet', while Cadet Russell Foley collected the Brian Hodder Cup for 'best attendance'.
The Paul Scourfield Cup 'for effort' went to Cadet Daniel Birch.
Once again Sergeant Mathew Evans was called up, this time to receive the Neil Abbis Cup 'for leadership'.
The Flt. Lt. D. Evans Cup 'for sport' was shared by Flight Sergeant Chris Iddon and Cadets Gabrela Servini, Sara Stretton, Toni Jenkins, Megan Thomas, Heidi Watkins and Emma Harris. This was in recognition of their magnificent achievement in being selected to represent the squadron at Wing level sport,
After a short break to let this group return to their seats, the Fred Young Trophy 'for best all round cadets' was presented to Sergeant Mathew Evans, Corporal Philip Lewis and Cadets Emma Harris and James Day.
The final award was to Cadet Warrant Officer Jeremy Page when he was presented with the Darrel Hallet Cup 'for achievement', in recognition of his outstanding success in obtaining his RAF flying and navigating wings, his selection as Lord Lieutenant's Cadet for the year (selected out of all Cadets in Wales) and for being selected to become an Officer Cadet joining the RAF shortly.
There was one final award which was not on the programme, CWO Page presenting Carrieanne Griffiths with a cup and certificate the cadets had organised 'for effort' in attempting squadron activates.
The cadets were informed that they had all passed their First Class exam and most had gained the ATC swimming certificates; these awards would be presented at a later date.
With the award ceremony over, the parents and guests were entertained by the cadets, who had been practising dancing, singing and comedy acts for weeks, all of which were well received with plenty of laughter.
The evening drew to a close with a raffle for prizes donated by members of the local community. Many thanks to Gus and Sian, Tommy and Ann Roberts, Five Ways Garage, Tenby Spar and Trafalgar Stores.