Last Monday, October 17, members of the Tenby Project were kept busy looking after their guests at the coffee morning – and it was time to celebrate as well. It was Christian Hughes’ birthday so a chocolate cake was shared by everyone present.
It would be very helpful if more people with learning disabilities could come along and help – there are lots of different things people could do, and they can take their time getting to know people and deciding what they would like to help with. Just get in touch or come along to a coffee morning at Augustus Place Community Hall from 10.30am to 12 noon every Monday except once every two months when there is a full day trip, to see what you think.
As it was Christian’s birthday, he chose pizza for lunch, and people chose from cheese, tomato, pineapple, peppers, mushrooms and spring onions to put on their pizza. This was followed by the last of the chocolate cake, blueberries and crème fraiche – delicious!
It was a lovely afternoon, so instead of staying in, the group decided to head out and play boules on the beach. This turned out to be a great game to play, involving lobbing the heavy boules as far as possible towards the kitty which could hardly be seen on the sand. Thank goodness the beach was quite empty!
This week, October 24, it is time for a trip out with the Green Dragon Bus, so there will be no coffee morning. The group is going to Llys-y-Fran this time - fingers crossed for good weather! Coffee morning will be back Monday, October 31, everyone welcome.