Tenby’s lifeboat crew came to the aid of a pair that were cut-off by the tide in Amroth on Tuesday evening

Tenby RNLI’s inshore lifeboat Kathleen Ann was requested to launch at 6.10 pm on April 18, following a report that two people were cut off by the incoming tide between Amroth and Telpyn Point.

The volunteer crew were quickly on the water and made best speed to the scene in choppy seas.

Once on scene, the crew found a large swell running into the rocks where the casualties were situated.

After assessing the situation, it was decided the attempt to get the casualties off, one at a time, between waves.

Unfortunately, after managing to get the first casualty off the rocks and dropping a crew member ashore, with the tide starting to turn against the wind, the swell picked up to the extent that the helmsman decided it was unsafe to attempt to get the remaining casualty aboard.

The crewman that went ashore got the casualty to a safe position and waited until the tide had dropped sufficiently, so that they could both walk ashore.

With the remaining casualty ashore safe and well and with too much swell on the beach at Amroth, the lifeboat dropped the person they had got off the rocks into Saundersfoot harbour, where a lift had been arranged for her.