A campaign to safeguard those that might be in distress whilst on a night out, has been endorsed by police in Pembroke and Pembroke Dock, as part of the Force’s Neighbourhood Policing Week.
‘Meet Mabel’ is a campaign to promote Safer Spaces within nightlife in the locality, run in conjunction with Pembroke Street Pastors.
‘Mabel’ is someone who will listen to and safeguard those in distress whilst on a night out or simply have a chat. ‘Mabel’ also has lots of useful contacts for referring and advising where necessary to help those in need.
“We’re delighted to support and promote this initiative within our town,” said a police spokesperson.
“PCSO 8018 has been out with ‘Mabel’ promoting the initiative in Pembroke and we look forward to seeing ‘Mabel’ on our streets and in our clubs and pubs over the coming weeks,” they added.
As part of Neighbourhood Policing Week a successful ‘Meet the Street’ event was also held in Monkton to discuss current issues and ongoing work with the community.
Joint patrols were also conducted at Memorial Park in Pembroke Dock with local county councillor CllrJoshua Beynon and the arson reduction team from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to discuss possibilities for arson prevention.
As part of initiative, officers from the locality also visited Monkton Priory Community Primary School, Pembroke Dock Youth Club and the Tanyard Youth Project.
“It’s a great way for us to engage with our young community and provide early intervention,” said a spokesperson.